We're excited to be a delivery partner, along with the University of Northampton for the NN Future Retail Project. The programme is led by North Northamptonshire Council and is fully funded through the HM Government Welcome Back Fund. It’s being delivered by our good friends at Building Business Consultancy.
The funding has been allocated to councils around the country to promote and raise awareness of town centres and in particular High Streets now they are fully reopened again, and to remind local residents of all they have to offer. Our programme is specifically aimed at supporting the recovery of retail businesses across Corby, Kettering, Wellingborough, and East Northamptonshire.
The support package includes bespoke one to one business advice, webinars and master classes focussed on developing your business, peer to peer networking, and helpful business tools to use in your business. Signposting to further advice, and funding opportunities are also included.
There are only 100 places available, so if you are a retail business and would like to find out more information on how we can support you and your business please contact us by emailing enquiries@buildingbusiness.org.uk or calling 01832 279444.
Please note the support is only open to retail businesses in North Northamptonshire. The scheme is currently scheduled to finish at the end of March 2022 so get in touch now to take full advantage of this fantastic opportunity.