Blog by Annie McNeely of AMc ISO Services.
Annie will be delivering the 'Managing quality for a sustainable business webinar' Hosted by Business & IP Centre Northamptonshire.
Small business owners are busy and they have a lot of things to manage – sales, marketing, admin, accounts, HR and the list goes on…
I want to add one more thing to that list – Quality. Consciously managing quality is fundamental to building a successful business. Why? Because it ensures you continuously improve your products or services.
What do we mean by managing quality? Often ‘Quality Management’ is thought of as a specialism, it’s associated with complicated management methodologies or expensive IT platforms, ISO certification and costly consultants. All of that can be true but it doesn’t have to be. Managing quality is about putting things in place which help you continuously improve your business so that you meet and exceed the needs of your customers and other interested parties.
Meeting the needs and expectations of your customers is the primary aim of quality management and when you achieve that, your business benefits in multiple ways – improved reputation, enhanced customer loyalty, higher margins, reduced waste, access to new markets and sectors to name but a few. These contribute to the growth and stability of your business.
I have over 20 years of operational management experience in various roles and sectors including Pharma, retail, manufacturing and recruitment. I’ve worked in Micro business and PLCs, family run companies and public sector organisations.
I know that businesses benefit hugely from implementing some fundamental quality management activities providing they are applicable and proportionate for your company. My main aim is to demystify quality management and make it accessible. I have a range of services aimed at helping SMEs, Micro businesses and sole traders understand and manage quality so they can increase their long-term stability and sustainability.

My one-hour seminar explains how quality management works and how you can start managing quality in your business. The webinar will take you through the key areas of focus and help you to build a quality action plan which you can follow in your organisation.
We’ll focus on the seven principles of quality management which are:
Customer focus
Engagement of people
Evidence based decision making
Relationship management.
We’ll work through each quality management principle, looking at how this applies to your business and develop practical actions. It’s an interactive webinar with opportunities to discuss and share information.
Every business can be a quality business regardless of sector, structure or size. Making quality management a day-to-day activity underpins long term success, and it doesn’t have to be complicated.
Come along on Wednesday 10th July at 10am and kick off your quality management strategy. You can book your place here: Managing quality to grow your business webinar Tickets.