With our new Kick Start small business grants now available offering small businesses £2,000 funding (for more info please visit) we’ve asked a collection of last year’s successful grant winners to look back on their business journey over the last year.
The second business to update us on their success is Personal Strengths Coaching. Here’s what Nicola Jackson, Personal Strengths Coaching Director, had to say:
Personal Strengths Coaching one year on
Looking back to where I was 12 months ago, I now have five times the number of coachees on my books, I have reached my initial coaching target from my first business plan which the BIPC process helped me to develop. I had little idea about running a business at the start of the process, the workshops BIPC Northants ran helped me to get started and really developed my business knowledge.
The business itself is now more established, and I have received more support through grants offered through Northampton University. This has enabled me to invest in branding and my website, increasing the professionalism of my business. Grants have also supported me with IT equipment, a Customer Relationship Management system and a marketing strategy all helping to make my business run more efficiently. This is particularly important when you’re running a business with a young family. I was amazed at just how much support was out there to support new businesses. I’d advise anyone who has a new business to get involved with the BIPC and who knows where your idea may take you in the next 12 months!
Personal Strengths Coaching origin
One year ago when I was lucky enough to get involved in the BIPC Dragons' Den process my business was eight months old. I had started the business after taking voluntary redundancy, and I chose to take the part of my role I was most passionate about and turn it into a business.
At Personal Strengths Coaching we help individuals to reach their potential, to stretch them to achieve their goals and to ensure they feel supported in doing that. The how is really important here, we do it in a way that supports wellbeing. By really helping individuals to optimise their strengths, and the things that energise them.
Within a team each member brings something different to the party, each member is unique and we value that. Spending time reflecting on what motivates each team member is so important in having a really effective team that not only gets results but also enjoys the journey.
Why is it so important to me? The buzz I get from helping others to achieve their goals plays to my strengths, it energises me! I get so much motivation from helping others. I use my empathy, compassion, my enthusiasm for developing others and my focus on getting results in supporting others to achieve their goals day to day.
Nicola Jackson
Personal Strengths Coach
You can contact Nicola via email at nic@personalstrengthscoaching.com
Find out how Personal Strengths Coaching can help you by visiting their website here