There are numerous definitions of strategy as it applies to business, but we like a simple one: how you will win.
Winning does not necessarily have to mean you beat your competition into a pulp: rather, you define your goals and what success looks like for your business. Remember too, that a growing business will usually be in a better position to withstand the inevitable ups and downs which come with growth.
This module comprises four two-hour webinars, each of which will enable you to consider how you can grow your business in a way which suits you and your definition of what it is to win.

Your Growth Strategy will help you consider what you aim to do and what steps to take so you can do it. This will include some tools to help your thinking and how you apply them to your situation.
Business Planning will help you devise a business plan you can actually use. It is fine to talk strategy, but doing something is the important part and this webinar helps you create a plan to make what you want happen.
Effective Resource Management will help you consider what your business needs to achieve its aims, and what you must do to protect its assets – both physical and intangible.
Effective People Management will help you consider how you involve others in growing your business – whether employees, contractors, partners, or virtual assistants.
These webinars will combine to help you clarify what success means to you for your business and provide ways to enable you to deliver what you dream.

Blog by Phil Ingle, Training Consultant, Glued Limited.
Phil will be delivering the Business Growth Strategy Module Three Programme of Webinars, Workshops, and business support, alongside the team at the BIPC Northamptonshire.
More information about the BIPC Northamptonshire’s Build Your Business programme can be found here: Build Your Business | BIPC Northants, and you can register to join the Webinars via Events, Webinars & Workshops in Northamptonshire for Business.