With our new Kick Start small business grants now available offering small businesses £2,000 funding (for more info please visit) we’ve asked a collection of last year’s successful grant winners to look back on their business journey over the last year.
The first business to update us on their success is Form Five Group. Here’s what Matthew Abraham, Form Five Group’s Director, had to say:
Form Five Group one year on
We launched and we had great support especially from the BIPC Northamptonshire. This was not just financially, but through the workshops also.
So, what did we do?
After we complied a business plan, researched our market & competition and produced our brand we launched. However, the work does not stop there, and the cash soon burns away. Part of the answer was to apply for the Reset Restart grant from the BIPC Northamptonshire. To be really honest the cash was the target, which was needed for protective equipment and marketing costs. What we soon learnt was there is a whole network of support and information too. This allowed us to organise our resources and have a more focused approach to the market sector. This all came from the workshops and meeting other local businesses.
Year one
Thanks to the continued support and information we have grown from strength to strength. Personally, I have been able to “pay the bills” and the business has been profitable. Our year two forecast is a turnover of two million which is up from half a million in year one. We have grown our personnel brands and that of the business which has equalled a positive reputation within Northamptonshire and the surrounding counties.
The market information available to us from the BIPC has allowed us to target areas as well as sectors. We are growing our team from two to seven by the end of 2022. In short, it’s all positive, however we are prepared for market pressures such as high costs and economic instabilities.
My advice
Apply, attend the workshops, and prepare for business.
The key to success is to use the resources around you which most of you can find at the BIPC. Organise your work loads and keep your feet on the ground. Ask other business owners for advice, you will meet them at the BIPC Workshops.
FormFive has been the key to my personal happiness and now provides income & success to others. We are striving to grow, secure our future and play a key part on the development of the construction industry. A huge part of this is owed to the BIPC.
If you would like to understand how we succeeded and how to prepare for launch day, then feel free to get in touch.
Good luck and all the best,
You can contact Mathew Abraham on 07926 167 477 or email him at
Please visit Form Five’s website here